What To Look for When Considering An LED Face Mask

7 Color LED Face Mask

7 Color LED Face Mask

While we’d all love to discover the proverbial fountain of youth, the truth is we’re aging as we speak. As inevitable as this is, there are viable ways to slow down the clock and maintain your youthful appearance for many years to come. LED face masks have proven effective for a growing number of consumers, and you can now save time and money by performing treatments outside of the dermatologist’s office. 

If you’re ready to experience the amazing benefits of LED face masks for yourself, it’s important to understand finding the right one isn’t a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Depending on your unique needs, you must know what to look for when considering an LED face mask to meet them. 

Type of Light Matters

There are different types of light that target different problems. You wouldn’t buy a new air filter if you needed to change the oil in your car. Likewise, if you’re targeting a specific problem when it comes to the appearance of your skin, you need to make sure you pinpoint the right solution. 

As you explore your many options, there are three main types of light you’ll need to be prepared to differentiate.

Red Light

If you’re trying to slow the signs of aging, red light therapy is the way to go. When your skin is exposed to this type of light, it promotes blood flow and stimulates the production of elastin and collagen. These are proteins that keep the skin tight and vibrant. They can also promote healing following certain procedures or sunburn. 

Amber Light

If you’re prone to skin discoloration, amber light application can be a great way to reverse these effects and prevent them from recurring in the future. 

Blue Light

Acne can be frustrating, and it can seem impossible to overcome with the many creams and cleansers out there. When you apply blue light therapy, you attack acne at its roots by killing the bacteria that causes it in the first place. 

Other Important LED Face Mask Features

Once you determine the type of light needed to meet your needs, you’re well-equipped to start shopping for a highly-targeted product to produce the results you’re looking for. With so many options out there, it’s important you know how to narrow them down. There are some other important features to understand as you shop.

The Right Wavelength

Wavelength is the measure of the distance between the crests of a wave. In the case of LED face masks, the wavelength measured is that of the type of light you’re using. Measured in nanometers on the electromagnetic spectrum, LED face masks typically fall between 400-700 nm.

Without getting too technical, the main thing you need to know is that more doesn’t necessarily mean better. Here’s what to look for:

  • 400 nm is an excellent wavelength for those targeting acne as this is the level needed to effectively target bacteria.
  • 700 nm improves blood flow and is an effective level for the stimulation of collagen production using the red light for wrinkles.
  • Anything above 700 enters into the near-infrared to infrared spectrum. While this can be an effective wavelength for relief from joint pain, it doesn’t offer much benefit in terms of skin rejuvenation. 

Time per Treatment

Our time is valuable. Make sure you check how long treatments last as you examine LED face masks. A quality product shouldn’t require any longer than 20-30 minutes for standard needs. 

Check for the Proper Credentials

It’s critical the product you’re going with has the proper credentials. You get what you pay for. If you find a product that’s significantly cheaper than the competition, that’s not necessarily a good thing. Instead, it could be a red flag. 

Before you make your purchase, make sure the product has received approval from the FDA indicating it’s safe for use. 

We all want to look our best in this only life we have to live. With a growing number of consumers finding the answer to their youthful glow in LED face masks, more are looking into this solution for themselves. It can be a terrific option for the educated consumer. By understanding what to look for when considering an LED face mask, you can be on your way to an excellent solution to postpone the effects of aging.