Hiring a House Cleaning Service Makes Me a Better Person

I have hired a house cleaning Salt Lake City service because it will make me a better person. When my house is clean I am a better person. I become a better person because a messy house causes me to experience anxiety. The cause of this anxiety relative to the cleanliness of my house is complex. But I think it results from a history of being yelled at and shamed by my parents for having a messy room when I was a child. Because I bonded to that energy as a child I internalized it and now it shapes my psyche. I bonded to this energy because I had no other choice. As a child my parents were my protectors and providers. They were the objects of my love and the people from whom I naturally expected love in return. I say “in return” not because I necessarily expected a dependent contractual sort of relationship. I simply mean that love in both directions was naturally expected and typically is the natural expectation of all living creatures towards their progenitors.

This is not to say that my parents did not love me or that I blame them in any way. I bonded to the energy they put out because they were my parents and I had to bond to their energy for my own survival. This was true for them as well in the way they bonded to the energy that their parents put forth. As such, if I blamed my parents I would have to blame my parents’ parents. This would infinitely regress back to Adam and Eve I suppose. So really the blame rests with the system that fosters a cycle of shame that continues to be passed down from one generation to the next. What would be the point of blaming a system? It has no consciousness and therefore no ability to be aware of the blame in which I cast upon it. Accordingly, rather than place blame I choose to hire a house cleaning Salt Lake City service to affect in my small way a breaking of this eternal chain.