The Science of Water Damage

The water molecule is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom bonded together. It is the oxygen in this combination that is the reason water damage Utah will occur to houses and other structures. This is true because the oxygen atom within the structure of the water molecule has valences or the ability to bond to other atoms and molecules. When the oxygen atom bonds to other atoms or molecules it will change the atomic structure. This is the process by which water will cause metal to rust and wood to rot.

Water damage Utah also occurs to houses and other structures because water is an essential ingredient for life to form. This is also because of the valences available in the oxygen atom within the water molecule. This allows the oxygen to bond with the carbon atom which also possesses more valences than the typical atom. These extra valences allow carbon and water to form complex molecules with many different types of atoms. Life seems to be only possible through the formation of complex molecules. Mold and other life forms capable of damaging houses and other structures come into being through this matrix.

Water is neither good nor bad. It is a fact of existence. The behavior of water and the damage it can cause to houses and structures is simply a function of its molecular and atomic structure. Therefore when water damages a house or structure it is important not to take it personally. Rather, a homeowner must simply take the steps necessary and possible to mitigate and fix the damage the water has caused. Perhaps this admonition is easier said than done. Sadly, these steps are necessary within the reality in which we exist. Such is the nature of the imperfect material existence in which we find ourselves.