Newborn Nursery Scent

NurseryAnyone with a child still in diapers knows that it is difficult (to say the least) to keep the area where the changing table is located smelling fresh. At the time I made the decision to join Scentsy and start selling their products, I had two children who were still in diapers. Because of this one of Scentsy’s products specifically caught my eye because it directly addressed the issue of diaper odor in the nursery. This product was a particular scent called “Newborn Nursery.”

The description of the scent reads, “Fresh, clean, and powdery, this dreamy scent evokes memories of cradling your little ones.” That description pretty much sums up what the Newborn Nursery scent is all about and I found that the scent itself was actually very effective in eliminating the unpleasant odors a nursery might produce.

Before we have babies we think about all the positive aspects. They are cute and cuddly. They both offer and are receptacles for unconditional love. We think about bonding with and protecting the child and about how beautiful that all can be. After the baby is born, we find that all of those positive aspects are certainly there but we also discover other aspects we might have overlooked looking through our rose colored glasses. There are sleepless nights in addition to a million new responsibilities. There is the end to the freedom we took for granted before the baby was born. And yes, there is odor associated with changing the baby’s diaper in the nursery. This odor (by the way) gets significantly worse once the baby starts to eat solid food.

Luckily, there is a company like Scentsy that makes so many great smelling scents to solve this particular issue. Babies are beautiful and because I made the decision to join Scentsy I can more fully appreciate their beauty without my enjoyment being obscured by odors wafting from the changing table.