Cleaning Services In Salt Lake City Give Me More Time to Write

organizing 2The maid service Salt Lake City arrived at 12:30pm on Friday afternoon. She immediately set herself to work on the third floor of the town house in which I live with my wife and two daughters. My wife arrived home early from her work as a marketer for a local orthodontist because she is working what she calls “summer hours.” Accordingly, my wife and I went out to give the cleaning service Salt Lake City the freedom to clean the house without us getting in her way.


Whilst the housekeeping service Salt Lake City did her thing in our town house my wife and I drove to a Starbucks. I had some writing to do and our local Starbucks has a large table where I can set myself up for a few hours of work. While there I was able to write four different three hundred word articles for a link farm project I have been working on for a while now. Essentially I am writing articles containing hyperlinks to the websites of various businesses. These articles are not intended for actual people to read but rather are written so that the links will optimize the content of the websites to which they point. Accordingly those websites will be ranked higher in search engine listings. That is the idea anyway. I have no idea if the articles I write actually produce their intended effect. My employer is still paying me to perform this task so I can only assume they are doing their job.


After a period of time amounting to about an hour and a half I packed up my laptop and my wife and I drove back to our town house. When we arrived the home cleaning Salt Lake City service was just about finished. She is worth every penny because she cleans more thoroughly than my wife and I ever could. Moreover, her cleaning gives me the time and flexibility I need to write articles for link farms.

Home Cleaning Service – A Treat for Your Home!

There is nothing better than to greet guests to a neat and clean home. To have guests over for a birthday party and get compliments for a tidy house is like cherry on the cake, literally! With immensely busy schedules, such compliments are hard to come by. It is essential to hire professional help when it comes to house cleaning, especially when a tight itinerary bogs you down. Probably you just need a break or something important like a baby that is taking up your time. In such cases you do not have enough time to spend with your loved ones leave alone clean your house. All you need is some professional help from a home cleaning service in order to get a domestic cleaner Salt Lake City rid you of your worries.

It is quite difficult to find a good a domestic cleaner Salt Lake City for your house in Salt Lake City, as many would agree. There is also the initial scepticism and hesitation about the efficiency of the domestic cleaning service. There are many things to be kept in mind while choosing a home cleaning service and a home cleaner.

It is essential to know exactly what you need domestic cleaning service for in order to ascertain which cleaning service you need. One should list out all the tasks that one wants the service provider to carry out. This way there will not be any confusion and you can later check the cleaned areas, be it rooms or certain pieces of furniture. It is also important to ascertain how much your budget is and how much you are willing to shell out for the service.

Then the most essential service is to pick out the cleaning service you want for your home. There are many companies to choose from and take your pick. It is vital to choose one that fits your needs perfectly to receive optimum satisfaction. A home service Salt Lake City is not difficult to find, one can browse the internet, telephone directories, and newspapers to check for availability. Another way of adjudging the best home service Salt Lake City is to ask friends and family. Cleaning services are common and someone you know has probably already hired the service, you will know which one to choose.

While hiring a house cleaner one should not rush into a deal. If possible, one should set up a meeting, discuss the company’s policies, and lay down one’s own. When you are fully satisfied with the service provider is when you should settle down to hire one. Choosing the right cleaning company, which will not only serve you efficiently but also make you happy, is vital. It is not pretty when you have hired a cleaner and later find out that the work has not been done properly.

Business cards are also effective in promoting your business. Give them to your friends, relative and asked them to distribute the business cards for you. The best way to promote and advertise your business is through internet. Most working women shop for service in the internet because of their busy schedule in work; they don’t have time for domestic chores. You will get more customers if you post your cleaning service on the internet. It is a great way in advertising your cleaning service.

Keeping a House Clean

organizing 2It can be frustrating after a home owner hires a cleaning service Salt Lake City to clean his or her house and the house is messy again just two days later. Often this happens because the home owner shares his or her house with a family. Add pets into the equation and the house does not stand a chance to stay clean for very long. This is why it is important to keep up with cleaning a little bit every day. This practice in combination with hiring a cleaning service that will clean the house every week or every other week should be sufficient to keep the house in decent shape.

The home owner can perform the tasks that are easy to perform on a daily basis. Examples of this type of work include vacuuming, keeping surfaces free of clutter and doing the laundry. The cleaning service Salt Lake City can perform these tasks as well (albeit in a more thorough and professional manner) but will also perform the tasks that are more difficult or are perhaps less obvious to perform. The prime example of this kind of task is dusting but also includes cleaning out of reach surfaces and areas behind objects.

House cleaning is difficult work but it has to be done in order for a home owner to feel good about where he or she lives. The home is a place where a home owner will spend a significant amount of his or her life. Nobody really wants to clean a house but nobody wants to live in a messy house. This is why hiring a cleaning service is money well spent not only because it results in a professionally cleaned house but also because it frees up time in a home owner’s life to do other things.

The Science of Water Damage

The water molecule is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom bonded together. It is the oxygen in this combination that is the reason water damage Utah will occur to houses and other structures. This is true because the oxygen atom within the structure of the water molecule has valences or the ability to bond to other atoms and molecules. When the oxygen atom bonds to other atoms or molecules it will change the atomic structure. This is the process by which water will cause metal to rust and wood to rot.

Water damage Utah also occurs to houses and other structures because water is an essential ingredient for life to form. This is also because of the valences available in the oxygen atom within the water molecule. This allows the oxygen to bond with the carbon atom which also possesses more valences than the typical atom. These extra valences allow carbon and water to form complex molecules with many different types of atoms. Life seems to be only possible through the formation of complex molecules. Mold and other life forms capable of damaging houses and other structures come into being through this matrix.

Water is neither good nor bad. It is a fact of existence. The behavior of water and the damage it can cause to houses and structures is simply a function of its molecular and atomic structure. Therefore when water damages a house or structure it is important not to take it personally. Rather, a homeowner must simply take the steps necessary and possible to mitigate and fix the damage the water has caused. Perhaps this admonition is easier said than done. Sadly, these steps are necessary within the reality in which we exist. Such is the nature of the imperfect material existence in which we find ourselves.

Hiring a House Cleaning Service Makes Me a Better Person

I have hired a house cleaning Salt Lake City service because it will make me a better person. When my house is clean I am a better person. I become a better person because a messy house causes me to experience anxiety. The cause of this anxiety relative to the cleanliness of my house is complex. But I think it results from a history of being yelled at and shamed by my parents for having a messy room when I was a child. Because I bonded to that energy as a child I internalized it and now it shapes my psyche. I bonded to this energy because I had no other choice. As a child my parents were my protectors and providers. They were the objects of my love and the people from whom I naturally expected love in return. I say “in return” not because I necessarily expected a dependent contractual sort of relationship. I simply mean that love in both directions was naturally expected and typically is the natural expectation of all living creatures towards their progenitors.

This is not to say that my parents did not love me or that I blame them in any way. I bonded to the energy they put out because they were my parents and I had to bond to their energy for my own survival. This was true for them as well in the way they bonded to the energy that their parents put forth. As such, if I blamed my parents I would have to blame my parents’ parents. This would infinitely regress back to Adam and Eve I suppose. So really the blame rests with the system that fosters a cycle of shame that continues to be passed down from one generation to the next. What would be the point of blaming a system? It has no consciousness and therefore no ability to be aware of the blame in which I cast upon it. Accordingly, rather than place blame I choose to hire a house cleaning Salt Lake City service to affect in my small way a breaking of this eternal chain.

The Mysteries of the Mind and Home Cleaning in Salt Lake City

cleaning productsThe benefits of hiring a cleaning service Salt Lake City are legion. The first and most important benefit is that your house will be clean after you do so. This may seem like a perfectly obvious statement of fact and indeed one that probably need not be mentioned in an article for the purpose of convincing someone to hire a cleaning service. It does however bear mentioning because often the most obvious facts are over looked. This is especially true when one lives in a messy house. As the ancient proverb tells us a messy house is often associated with a confused mind. As an interesting aside, in Sigmund Freud’s signature work “On the Interpretation of Dreams” he states that a dream about a house is symbolic of the inner workings of the mind of the dreamer. It makes sense therefore that if one lived in a messy house he or she might not be fully capable of connecting the dots (as it were) regarding the primary benefit of hiring a cleaning service.

Strongly correlating to this first primary benefit of hiring a maid service Salt Lake City is the added psychological benefit that when one hires a house keeping service Salt Lake City he or she need no longer dwell on the fact that his or her house requires cleaning. This may also seem like an obvious truth that does not require mentioning. However, when one is freed of this psychological burden he or she will experience a feeling of liberation. This feeling of liberation is actually the freeing up of mental energy that had been previously devoted elsewhere. Once this mental energy has been freed it can then be devoted to more beneficial and profitable areas of interest. Home cleaning Salt Lake City is essential to a clear mind and the ability to maintain focus. Fortunately there are many services available to hire for this purpose.

The Psychology of House Cleaning Salt Lake City

There is a tremendous psychological component to house cleaning Salt Lake City. When I think of cleaning my house I think about making the bed, vacuuming the carpets, wet vacuuming the pet stains out of the carpet, sweeping the dog hair from the hard wood floors, mopping the floors, washing the dishes, washing the laundry, cleaning stains off the walls and so much more. It quickly becomes overwhelming and then I am faced with two options. I can begin the process of cleaning or I can put it off another day. Obviously putting cleaning off to another day is the easier option. As such, I am more likely to choose it. But if I do choose that option the problem only becomes bigger and more overwhelming.


The simple solution to this problem is to hire a house cleaning Salt Lake City service to do the work for me. Not only does hiring a house cleaning service solve the problem by getting the house cleaned once and for all but it also resets the vicious cycle that I described in the paragraph above. Once the house has been professionally cleaned it is much easier to stay on top of cleaning the house going forward.  

Easier still would be to hire a house cleaning service to visit on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. This solution eliminates the psychological burden going forward. This is true because if you let your house get to the point where the thought of cleaning it has become overwhelming once, you are likely to do it again. Hiring a house cleaning service to clean your house on a regular basis eliminates this eventuality for good. When you make the decision to hiring a house cleaning service on a regular basis you are then free to focus whatever psychological energy you were previously devoting to cleaning your house towards other more beneficial areas of your life.

A Clean Living Space Increases Productivity

cleaning productsI am a firm believer in keeping my living space clean. When my living space is clean my thinking is clearer and my state of being is less agitated. By contrast, when my living space is cluttered and unclean, my thinking becomes scattered and my anxiety level increases. This negative mindset only becomes exacerbated the longer I remain in this state of affairs because the idea that I should clean up sits in the back of my head and nags me constantly. It takes energy to keep this nagging at bay and this is energy I could be using for other purposes.

Certainly cleaning takes time that I could otherwise be using for other seemingly more productive purposes. But I think that it would be a mistake to use this logic as an excuse not to clean myself or to hire a cleaning service in Salt Lake City to do the job for me. The reason for this is simple. If I do not clean and my mind becomes scattered and my anxiety level rises I will become less productive because the energy I would be using to be productive is now either being spent to keep the nagging voice at bay or is depleted and spent through anxiety. This will effectively nullify any gains in productivity I might have reaped by spending less time cleaning and more time trying to be productive.

I truly believe I have a finite amount of energy to expend each day. If I do not clean or hire a cleaning service in Salt Lake City to clean for me a portion of that energy will be dissipated in anxiety. If my thinking is scattered I loose whatever remaining energy I have because I cannot effectively focus it towards being productive. This is why I have found that by simply taking the time to keep my living space clean I will actually increase my productivity in the long term.

Newborn Nursery Scent

NurseryAnyone with a child still in diapers knows that it is difficult (to say the least) to keep the area where the changing table is located smelling fresh. At the time I made the decision to join Scentsy and start selling their products, I had two children who were still in diapers. Because of this one of Scentsy’s products specifically caught my eye because it directly addressed the issue of diaper odor in the nursery. This product was a particular scent called “Newborn Nursery.”

The description of the scent reads, “Fresh, clean, and powdery, this dreamy scent evokes memories of cradling your little ones.” That description pretty much sums up what the Newborn Nursery scent is all about and I found that the scent itself was actually very effective in eliminating the unpleasant odors a nursery might produce.

Before we have babies we think about all the positive aspects. They are cute and cuddly. They both offer and are receptacles for unconditional love. We think about bonding with and protecting the child and about how beautiful that all can be. After the baby is born, we find that all of those positive aspects are certainly there but we also discover other aspects we might have overlooked looking through our rose colored glasses. There are sleepless nights in addition to a million new responsibilities. There is the end to the freedom we took for granted before the baby was born. And yes, there is odor associated with changing the baby’s diaper in the nursery. This odor (by the way) gets significantly worse once the baby starts to eat solid food.

Luckily, there is a company like Scentsy that makes so many great smelling scents to solve this particular issue. Babies are beautiful and because I made the decision to join Scentsy I can more fully appreciate their beauty without my enjoyment being obscured by odors wafting from the changing table.

Don’t Cut Corners When Cleaning and Pour Grease Down the Drain

If you are like me you start cleaning with all the right intentions and you are ready to see the job through to its end. But ten minutes into the job you start to think


about better things you could be doing with your time. This is when the urge to cut corners and hire a maid service reveals itself. You might (literally) sweep things under the rugs or shove them in a closet or drawer where they will be safely out of sight. Those techniques are relatively harmless but one thing you should never do to cut corners is pour grease down the drain of your kitchen sink.

You should never do this because grease will collect over time and clog up your pipes which may back up your plumbing with disastrous results. This happens because when the fat contained in the grease comes into contact with other chemicals (particularly calcium) it creates a semi-hard, soap-like substance that then adheres to the walls of your pipes. Eventually this will block the pipe and your waste water will back up.

Even if the grease makes it through your pipes and out of your house it will eventually make its way to the sewer where it will come in contact with grease from other people’s houses and create the same problem but now on a much larger scale. According to the Journal of Oleo Science grease is to blame for 47% of sewer overflows in the United States per year.

Instead of pouring grease down the drain, pour it in a container (I use a coffee can) and put it in the refrigerator. The next time you have grease to dispose of put it on top of the old congealed layer. When the container is full, throw it away in the garbage.

If you are feeling particularly eco-friendly you may want to check with your local recycling plant to see if they will take your grease.

If you are one to cut corners when cleaning, maybe it is time to look into hiring a cleaning service.